Case: # 2020-06
Location: Oshawa, Ontario Residence
Date: Fall 2020
Tests that were completed during the Fall of 2020, also known as Covid draught
During the fall of 2020 we sought out to do some tests of methods used by teams, that were less than conventional. Some to the point of silly. Then also to find the causes for other failures in investigation.
Here I will discuss the highlights
Battery Drain
A lot of teams do make a large festival about battery drain. Causes so widespread. In our field it honestly comes down to a few factors. Human error to not use a fresh or charged battery or take into account the auxiliary services such as flash and night shot that takes the juice out a lot faster. Temperature really doesn't play a huge part, a little but not much
Dowsing Rods
Now honestly I was shocked by some of the consistancy with this. However I think this more about automatic body movements. There may be some count to the follow water thing, as that seemed to bear more "proof" However for investigation. A big no.
well this has it's place in investigation of course. Base reads and such, debunking sources of multiple un insulated wires. We tried to show that there are many causes of EMF and that basing a case of that alone is probably not all that solid.
This test was to show that anything can be made into an orb. Most contentious argument in our field. Orbs are not spirit 99.9 % of the time so why use it would you use a medication that worked .01 % of the time?
Zero result. It's a game
Zero result. It is a tool for fortune tellers to take your money
SB11 or SB7 Spirit box
Never been a fan too much minutia. Did not get any verifiable results. Caveat to the tests. If I was to use this method. I would use the Estes method that we demonstrated.
Battery Drain
Spirit Box - SB11
EMF Meter
Dowsing Rods
Silly Flashlight Test