Case:             # 2017-15

Location:  Mississauga, Ontario Home


Conditions: Winter 2017 -10 cloudy skies


The client states something in the children's room, seeing a person in the kitchen and someone in the hallway. The client provided video evidence of a bowl being pushed. During the investigation Sandy and I tried our best to recreate and debunk the bowl movement. From angle to moisture under the bowl, vibration and different liquids in the bowl we can't recreate the event thus in our opinion the video is genuine. The client seems of the most sincere. We spoke to her son, too young to be a detailed story teller. His claims are fairly deep.


the actual investigation turned up no evidence and have since not had any claims sent to us of activity, it may be that the "spirit" may have had a chance to be spoken to. In any case. Things seems to have settled and the family back to happy.


Our opinion is that this activity may have been a temporary occurrence. The bowl video to us is genuine, whether that is a supernatural or paranormal action is unclear. We will return upon request.


PHOTOS from this investigation