Case:             # 2017-12

Location:  Ashmore Estates in Ashmore, Illinois


Conditions: Summer 2017, Climate, humid 38-42 degrees.


Ava the small child who died there, among many other personalities. The setting is the original Coles County poor farm. In the country, 3 floors. Resident cabins outside. Full time investigation on 48 hr basis. Monitored at all times. Many claims. Though many are lore, many others are actually documented in newspaper articles on the wall from the period of time.


Over the period of a few days there we conducted sweeps and paired off investigations as well as solo missions. Running solo audio and blind monitoring. Crutzfeld test as well, which turned out well and will be repeated. The twins, Damon and Evan got an excellent reaction when investigating the twins room. Actually hearing noises upon command. The repeated piano keys, not from the piano that is presently there. This has been repeated from the last investigation 2 years ago. Multiple EVP of children's voices playing and calling each other. The closest house is 1000 metres away, a farm. Road is further. One of the EVP calls out Ava by name. The heat was definitely an obstacle, as the experiments were abbreviated.


I will concur with our last investigation that I believe there is some form of activity at this property. Not 100% sure what it is. Or to call it haunted. It will need further investigation. The repeated ability to get the same evidence speaks to it. The evidence also is during the day, nothing at night. The period of most activity at the property at the time of it being open.


PHOTOS from this investigation